Daskalos and the System for the Researchers of Truth
Introduction Lecture: Friday Oct 8. In the Pyramid

7 year old Greek Mystic

A 2000 Year old System for the Research of Truth

Lost in the Heavens

Finding the Truth that sets you free

How to live happier

Meditation:  Archangelic Attunement
The Teachings of the Researchers of Truth:
Saturday Oct 9th - In the Stoa Circle

The Radiant Realms of Eternal Beingness

Three Wolds of Existence - Our Temporary Homes
Our three bodies – Material, Psychical & Noetical

Our Etheric Double and its Vitality (Energy, Reiki, Shakti, Qui Gong, Chi,  Orgone Energy, etc..)

The Elementals

(Pure Thought Forms and the Unclean Spirits)

Questions & Answer Session

Meditation: Many Kinds of Love

Lunch 12 noon to 1 PM (Catered)

Rest 1 to 2PM

The Practices  of the Researchers of Truth
Saturday Oct 9th  - In the Stoa Circle2 PM – 4:30 PM


The Keys to the Kingdom of the Heavens

Contacting and using our Etheric Double Via the  Aesthetic Ether

Contacting and using our Etheric Double Via the  Kinetic Ether

Contacting and using our Etheric Double Via the Imprinting Ether

How and why to practice

Questions & Answer Session

Ethnic Expo – evening. 
Downtown Columbus Event (Optional)

Travel the world without spending a dime.

Free admission to a lively festival, rich with sights, sounds and smells from all over the world.

Enjoy ethnic food from diverse cultures, discover goods from around the world, and view free, live performances on multiple stages, featuring Celtic, African, Caribbean, Scottish, Japanese, and other styles of music and dance.

This year's host country is India.

Downtown Columbus at 2nd and Washington Streets. 

Fireworks show after dark.

Our way back home and our Guides on our journey
Sunday Oct 9th – 9:30 to Noon In the Stoa Circle

Archangels, Angels and Nature Spirits

Their work in the Worlds of existence

Communion with your Guardian Angel

Our purpose in life and the way back home

self realization

SELF Realization

Two Sons

Questions & Answer Session

Meditation: 7th Divine Ray

E-mail: Contact@ResearchersOfTruth.us