E-mail: Contact@ResearchersOfTruth.usOf course, the keys to the mysteries cannot be given to irresponsible or merely curious persons, because that knowledge is like a two-edged dagger can kill. On the other hand, we would not remove such an instrument from a surgeon, whose intent is to save lives.
We cannot claim that the system followed by the Researchers of Truth is the only one leading to perfection. There are many other systems, just as there are many roads and paths towards the same goal. Flowers in our neighbor's garden are as precious as the same kind of flowers in our own garden and we appreciate the work and toil of those who can present them to the world. We are not against any system or religion, in so far as these are paths towards knowing God (the Absolute Beingness), but we are definitely Christians and the Lord of Wisdom and Love has given us enough.
We do not claim to he the only ones who know the truths, but nobody can claim to have understood them better than we do. Everyone, including ourselves, still has a long way to go to understand the truths. For the time being, living in the material world, we do our best through the phenomenon of life (the comprehensible) to penetrate as far as we can into the deep oceans of Life and Truth, the Kingdom of Heaven which is within us and everywhere around us.
We love and appreciate the endeavors and the work of all who try to show the human race the way to conquer matter, to control emotions and desires, and to make good use of the Divine gift - holy Mind. There is no other way of reaching once again the relative reality concerning man, God and the universes. ~ Daskalos
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